Helping businesses since 2003
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Who we are
We help French IT companies, software publishers and service companies in this new economic context. We offer them to increase their turnover thanks to a very attractive and result-oriented business model. Our experience and expertise in the American market thus allow our customers to conquer this difficult market.
About partnerships
At ITAG, we recognize that the right partnerships are absolutely essential to the ability to provide high quality services.
We have committed significant resources to support the success of our clients. ITAG team members regularly review local market requirements and potential partners, then implement appropriate partner and channel development strategies. We assess, secure and manage the best resellers and business partners for our client software companies to provide aggressive partner and channel development services in the US and Europe and to support partner programs for new verticals .
Partnerships and third-party distribution channels are an effective way to consolidate brand image. ITAG helps companies avoid the obstacles inherent in this progressive type of market expansion effort.
Access ITAG’s Public Partners Directory for more information.
ITAG LLC – Headquarters
11 Marty Dr.
Merrimack, NH – 03054 – USA
Tel.: +1 (603) 320-8253